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ACIG Consulting Completes Project Ordered by Organization under FMBA of Russia Competence

Currently, an important line of Russian medicine development is increasing service quality and medical service standards implementation.

In this context, management of one of the largest Russian federal clinics (FSBI State Science Center named after A. I. Burnazyan) gave a task to consultants of HR Consulting of ACIG Group of Companies to appraise patients’ services satisfaction level and customer focus of the medical staff for defining zones of future development.

In order to perform the set task, consultants elaborated a mirror questionnaire for patients, their relatives and medical staff with the purpose to detect patients’ satisfaction and medical staff’s customer focus; and interview guidelines for holding appraisal interviews with medical staff. Face-to-face and telephone surveys were held in four departments: cardiological, oncosurgery, gynecological, and occupational pathology. Moreover, pilot education program for doctors “Medical Clinic Service Standards” was carried on; during this program experts monitored and appraised medical staff knowledge about service standards and their understanding of the necessity of customer-focused service.

As long as satisfaction of some product or service is a result of integrated effect of several factors, the model 5P (“Five P”) was used for detecting the patients’ satisfaction level. This model includes the key processes in this field: 1) organization of medical treatment process; 2) medical staff attitude; 3) provision of medical center with all the required resources; 4) cost of medical services; 5) possibility to find information about the clinic and its capabilities in external and internal information resources.

Following the appraisal results, the Customer was provided with a technology road map of measures which need to be carried out in order to increase the service quality and clients’ satisfaction level. Companies also agreed to continue cooperation in this regard.