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ACIG Group of Companies Takes Part in the DRWA Meeting

On December 14, 2015, Berlin hosted a meeting of the Germany-Russia Economic Alliance (DRWA) Board. The meeting was attended by Mikhail Prokudin, Head of the International Relations Division at ACIG Group of Companies that is a member of the Alliance Board.

The meeting was dedicated to the global political situation, its impact on the Alliance’s activities, enrollment of new DRWA members, intensification of work with the present members, as well as the need to enhance relations with affiliated entities and engaging such agencies as the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the Alliance’s work.

Special emphasis was laid on discussing the Alliance’s financial standing.  Participants voiced proposals for its optimization that could mitigate substantial decline in capital inflows to the Alliance entailed by the cancellation of a number of public events because of negative anti-Russian sentiments.

The majority of the Board members consider the need to strengthen PR-initiatives for DRWA promotion to be an important aspect of its further development strategy. The participants paid attention to ACIG’s considerable input to this effort and expressed their gratitude for publishing the interview entitled “Maintaining Partnership” with Vitaly Shmelkov, First Board Chairman at the DRWA, in the December issue of the Strategy Journal. In future, the DRWA is to become a platform for the distribution of the English version of the journal among representatives of German political and business elite.

Board members concluded by discussing preparation of the annual meeting of all Alliance members that was deemed to be held in February–March 2016.