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ACIG Becomes Member of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

March 15, 2016 was an Open Day at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Participants and guests were able to find out about the possibilities offered by the Moscow CCI for the support of business and a dialogue with government agencies. Besides, they could see the presentation of the most successful business cases of the MCCI members and learn about the structure and specifics of the MCCI guilds, committees and commissions. 

During the event over a hundred new members, including ACIG Group of Companies, were awarded certificates of membership in the MCCI and the CCI of the Russian Federation. ACIG had already been member of the CCI of Russia and in 2015 it deemed it important to join the Moscow structure. The company is interested in the effective cooperation with the community of entrepreneurs within the MCCI and is eager to hold an active dialogue to find common solutions to the key issues of business environment development.