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ACIG Experts Participate in Russian Business Week

Russian Business Week organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs came to its end.

Conferences, disputes and roundtable discussions about the current trends in cooperation between the state and business were held during this week. Deputy Chairs of the Russian Federation Government, members of the Presidential Administration and the Russian Federal Assembly, heads of ministries and agencies were among its participants. Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs convention became the key event of the Week.

Experts from ACIG and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs took part in the discussion of issues related to Russian industries. Igor Maksimov, Project Manager of the Department for Management Consulting at ACIG, participated in the conference, entitled Strategic Objectives of Russian Electrical Energy Complex in New Conditions, Robustness and Development.

Conference participants discussed economic issues of assurance of the Russian power system robustness, specifically, modernization of the existing power generation facilities and putting new ones into operation by ensuring the scheduled removal of over-aged power generation facilities and equipment from services.

“Conference participants mentioned that nowadays there exists a risk of exuberant law-enforcement regulation which may lead to adverse effects on economic issues of projects in the energy industry. With the significant spare capacities available in Russia, companies are forced to provide maintenance of idle or inefficient power plants as their removal from service involves different complications. This leads to higher costs of such companies and, ultimately, higher prices for consumers. Summarizing the results of the conference, the experts pointed out the advisability of holding business events that bring up concerns related to development of the Russian electrical power industry,” Mr. Maksimov said.