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On April 26, the award ceremony for the participants of the Contest "Pupils for Sustainable Future" took place at the RANEPA

The final stage of the Contest "Pupils for Sustainable Future" was the project work defense that was prepared by the participants during several months under the supervision of the leading RANEPA teachers. The development of the project was conducted in accordance with the relevance of the data: the auditory, the budget, the implementation schedule.

Due to the support from the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow, the RANEPA’s educational events, aimed at developing skills of project, scientific and research work, presentation and leadership skills, as well as because of the Unilever Company being actively interested in the Contest and conducting work-shops and trainings on team-building and professional orientation, all the works deserve special attention.

During the discussion between the finalists and the members of the Central Contest Commission, the main issues were the relevance and practical usefulness of the presented works. The special attention of the jury was given to the economic component of the submitted researches.

The Central Contest Committee consisted of: the Director of the RANEPA’s Center for Intensive Training and Professional Orientation of the RANEPA Kristina Pushkareva, Deputy Director of the RANEPA’s Center for Intensive Training and Professional Orientation Maria Lopatkina, the Deputy Head of the Department of Public Administration of the School of Public Policy, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, the Academic Secretary of the School of Public Policy Aleksandr Balobanov, the Talent Sourcing Manager for the Unilever Company Elena Cherepan, the HR Director of ACIG Group of Companies Olga Vodyanova, the Head of the Information and Analytical Committee of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia Anton Chuklin.

Regarding the results of the presentation each team were given expert evaluation of their works, suggestions and recommendations on improving the presented projects.

Three teams became the winners within the framework of each topic of this year’s Contest:

"A Convenient City: How to modernize navigation within city and make easy"

The project: "The navigation technologies for establishing an open and understandable city"

"WALL-E or the easy ways of making a city space clean"

The project: "The creation of the model for distributing solid domestic waste"

"Business-ideas for pupils and students: First steps in business"

The project: "Green gardens on roofs"

The RANEPA’s Vice-Rector Maksim Nazarov congratulated the prize-winners on the deserved victory in the Contest and gave them the certificates for attending the RANEPA’s preparatory courses, diplomas and commemorative prizes. Other participants were given discount certificates for attending RANEPA’s preparatory courses. Besides, the pupils were given the possibility of further participation in the Annual Contest "Young Professionals for Sustainable Future of Russia".

The organizers of the Contest "Pupils of Sustainable Future" are the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow, the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation and the ACIG Group of Companies. The general partner of the event is the Unilever Company. The partner is the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia.