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ACIG Group of Companies launches a new project - Strategy electronic periodical

Within the framework of its publishing trend, ACIG Group of Companies has launched a new project – Strategy electronic periodical created for covering of social, economic and environmental issues covering priority interests and needs of the person and the society, an analysis of the tendencies of Russia's modern development.

Strategy Journal draws the readers' attention to the current problems of modern Russia. The journal covers significant events of social and political nature, reviews the possible prospects of innovative developments, including those related to progress of science and technologies affective both business and public life, and social objectives related to changes in the sphere of economy which form the ideology of business and social reality.

The pilot issue of the journal is dedicated to the problems of Public Private Partnership and implementation of PPP projects within the framework of governmental task related to modernization of economic and social policy of the country and its certain regions.

The global experience shows that PPP significantly affects the industrial development of the country and is one of the main growth factors of the budget components of the state and forming its staff structure, which is implemented through investments and active social policy of private companies.

However in Russia the potential of PPP is not fully unlocked, and the reason for that are insufficiently smooth measures of legal and civil regulation of the relationship of both alliance parties.

What legislative processes determine the interaction of government machinery and business, what are the prospects for development of this alliance in Russia and what projects are implemented by PPPs today at the regional and federal levels – you can find answers to these and other questions in Strategy journal.

Official web-site of Strategy