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ACIG took part in the discussion of the Draft Law “On Federal Contract System”

On May 24, 2012, the Committee of the State Duma on land relations and construction held a Round table on: “Draft Federal Law on “On Federal Contract System”. New approaches to order placement for public and municipal needs».

Representatives of the Federal Ministries: FAS, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Defence, Accounts Chamber, Rosoboronzakaz as well as legislative, trade and land law experts were invited to take part in the discussion. Director of the ACIG Legal and Tax Consulting Department Yuri Fedyukin took part in the work of the round table.

At the meeting the most important transformations and the main ways for systematizing public and municipal procurement, which are introduced in the Federal contract system. The Ministry of Economic Development identified the key ideas of this draft law, noting that that the priority area is control of procurement by unlimited number of people, reducing the role of the price criterion, simplifying the procedure of unilateral dissolution of contracts and public registration of all the steps of the process. The representative of the Ministry of Economic Development paid attention to effectiveness of the procedure as the main criterion of quality for procurement and also underlined the necessity of strengthening the role of qualitative and qualified criteria. The need to reduce the number of subordinate acts, passed in connection with the Federal Contract System adoption. The Ministry of Finance noted the fact of the limited scope of the draft law, which consists in applying only to public and municipal bodies, whereas, according to the Ministry of Finance, there is a need to extend the power of the draft law to cover state corporations.

The Draft Law “On Federal Contract System” was introduced for consideration to the State Duma by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2012, and entered on the draft agenda for June for further discussion.