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February 18 ACIG took part in the II-nd Forum of the Russian regions: “INNOVATIONAL MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT”

The II Forum of the Russian regions “Innovational Model of Development” took place in Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel on February 18, 2011. It gathered a wide range of representatives of federal and regional state structures as well as of various business sectors for the purpose of discussion of the system measures and methods of innovation development and complex modernization of the Russian Federation regions’ economy. 

Experts of ACIG Group of Companies: Maksim Ageev, director of Energy Consulting Department and Aleksey Pleshkov, director for development – took an active part in the work of the Forum (as within the framework of a plenary session, so within plenary discussions concerning the key areas of the Forum work). 

Holding of the meeting of the Subcommittee for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the Committee for Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency of the RUIE and the Working Group of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the questions of energy supply, energy efficiency and energy saving.

The most topical issues related to the stimulation of the capital renewals and implementation of innovations in the fuel and energy sector of the Russian Federation, analysis of the results of energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement regulations’ implementations stipulated by Federal Law No. 261-FL of November 23, 2009, practice of carrying out energy studies and realization of programs for energy saving and enhancement of energy efficiency as an effective mechanism for the reduction of expenses and increase of companies’ competitiveness, prospects of implementation and spreading of the objects of small and alternative energy in the Russian Federation were worked out at this meeting.

Expert opinion of  ACIG specialists was reported to the meeting’s participants within the framework of one of the longest discussions that was devoted to the issues of staffing, enhancing the quality level and following the terms of carrying out the mandatory energy studies stipulated by the laws.   

Following the results of the debates held the participants of the meeting mentioned the delays in realization of requirements of Federal Law No. 261-FL of November 23, 2009 as on the part of state management representatives, so on the part of organizations that are obliged to carry out energy studies, the necessity of the further improvement of regulatory base in the field of energy efficiency and saving, necessity of unification and improvement of the level of professional standards in the field of energy studies.

Within its activity  ACIG plans to participate in the solution of the mentioned difficulties in the field of realization of energy saving policy and enhancement of energy efficiency of the Russian Federation, including those by means of self-regulation of the Non-Commercial Partnership “Guild of Energy Audit” registered in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation whose members include  ACIG.