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HR Director of ACIG Group of Companies Olga Vodyanova takes part in the meeting of the Business Club of "Upravlenie Personalom" Journal

On October 17, a regular meeting of the Business Club of "Upravlenie Personalom" Journal took place. Among the participants were representatives of major companies, CEOs, HR directors, recruiting agencies and potential candidates for top managerial positions. HR Director of the ACIG Group of Companies Olga Vodyanova also took part in the event.

The discussion was held in the roundtable format and was moderated by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Upravlenie Personalom" Alexander Goncharov.

At the meeting the experts addressed the causes of changes in the top management segment of the labour market, transformations of the payroll accounting system for top managers as well as a list of added competences considered by employers and business owners when selecting a top manager for a company.

Olga Vodyanova received a prize for her active participation in the discussion of the important HR-related issues – a book covering the history of Yandex.

"This format of dialogs allows plunging into the topic set forth by the Journal, developing it and drawing numerous conclusions based on the opinions of the three parties: potential candidates for top managerial positions, companies' owners placing their requirements to job seekers and in-house recruiting services and agencies providing recruiting services for companies in the external market", Olga Vodyanova noted.