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HR Director of ACIG Group of Companies Olga Vodyanova holds a series of lectures for RANEPA students

In October 2013 the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration hosted a series of lectures by the HR Director of the ACIG Group of Companies Olga Vodyanova on the topic "My First Steps into Professional Future".

The expert told the students from the Institute of Management and Marketing, the Department of Finance and Banking and the Department of Real Estate Economics about the key aspects of establishing and implementing your own brand and the methods for further development of professional competences. Olga Vodyanova also dwelled on such important topics as motivation to self-development within the company, the art of CV writing and interview presentation skills.

"Finding your way, being aware of the right choice you’ve made and moving towards your goal is a prerequisite for a successful career. This educational program is aimed at helping students identify their strengths. Besides, it is very important that they should not only know their advantages, but also be able to present them to their employers properly", Olga Vodyanova noted.