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"Pupils for Sustainable Future" participated in the personal growth training "How to build a career and not lose yourself"

On March 11, 2014, the personal growth training took place within the framework of the education program of the Contest "Pupils for Sustainable Future" at the office of its general partner Unilever. The training was aimed at developing the skill to work in a team and form a personal strategy of professional success.

The training was based on the methods and techniques, which all Unilever employees learn during the workshops.

At the meeting Elena Cherepan, Talent Sourcing Manager for Unilever, told the 9-11th grade students of the comprehensive educational organizations of the city of Moscow about the business strategy and the sustainable development principles under which the Company operates. "Our cooperation with the RANEPA, ACIG Group of Companies, including support of the contests "Pupils for Sustainable Future" and "Young Professionals for Sustainable Future of Russia" reflects our business philosophy", said Elena Cherepan.

The participants of the contest examined the mechanisms for building an effective team, discussed the role of a leader and distribution of responsibilities within the group, the rules of team interaction and shared their experience in forming project teams. In particular, taking into account opinion of each of the participants, interest in solving the problems, high level of trust between colleagues, good organization and other factors were identified as the fundamental elements of productive teamwork.

Elena Cherepan stressed that the key principle for forming a result-oriented team is a clearly stated goal, which causes the team move forward.

The finalists of the Contest reinforced theoretical knowledge acquired during the training by completing a series of practical exercises on goal setting and forming regulated relations in the process of the project development.

The organizers of the Contest of innovative projects developed by the comprehensive educational organizations of the city of Moscow "Pupils for Sustainable Future" are the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and ACIG Group of Companies.